
Characteristics of a Good Dissertation Topic


A dissertation should contribute to the knowledge industry. A dissertation topic might be any event affected by current scenarios, a need for research on a specific subject or situation.

There is a need for choosing a good topic since higher quality is expected from a dissertation. 

There are certain parameters a dissertation topic should meet to be classified under a good dissertation Editing For Student

They are:

1.Interest rate

 Generally, a candidate will choose a topic which they find is important or in certain cases, unexplored. Sometimes, such a carefully chosen topic may also fail to fetch the desired results. The reason might be that, the chosen topic might not be exciting enough to get going with it in the long run.  While working on such topics, one might find that the audience will not connect with the topic or understand it. A good topic will be able to satisfy all these criteria. 

2.Available research

Two primary objectives of a dissertation are testing the candidate on understanding of the topic and making it available for the people seeking knowledge. A topic might be important or heard of, but those attributes alone doesn't quite ensure the best of the results. There would be desired amount of research available on a preferred one. On the contrary to the popular belief, research could be done not only with the help of written materials and documents, it could be available in other forms such as third parties, guide or counsellor. A good topic will also be complaint and responsive to changes. 

3.Timely fashion

Although the expected time period to complete a dissertation can vary depending upon the university, there is a rough calculated period of 12 to 20 workmonths. There are some activities which needs specific time periods individually, to complete the dissertation process in steps. A good topic can help in speeding up these activities such as obtaining required software materials and creating an outline, followed by research and writing. 

4. Equilibrium

Sometimes,  the topic could fail to meet the desired results. The proceeding could stop abruptly at a point, due to any external factors. Even Though, a spotless execution or action is difficult, a topic could be carefully screened beforehand keeping in mind all the challenges that a potential topic could face. A good dissertation topic will be able to adapt to such outcomes and maintain its stable pace. 

5.Mimicking student’s nature

There might be both strengths and weaknesses of a student when it comes to academic performance. It is known that, a topic chosen from a known or interested field will yield better results, since the student would find it easier to contribute if they choose a topic they are interested in. Such a cautiously selected topic, in case of being a good one, will align with the interests of the student and the needs of the dissertation too.

6.Grant friendly

Although a topic shouldnt be discussed solely on the funding available, it would be advisable to choose one which attracts grants.  A better topic will meet all the appropriate content needs which would be expected by the sponsors.

7.Scope for development

On contrary to the common expectations that a good topic would lead into a better dissertation, a good topic would also be open for exploration. It will be able to expand into a detailed research or will be leading to other research topics too. Such a topic will not only grow the dissertation, it will be aiding the student to grow in their career path too. 

The above mentioned qualities could sound like choosing a good topic would be a tedious process. But the truth is, a good topic usually carries all these qualities along with it. It will make both the student and the reader to go in ease with the flow and will present itself to all the expected operations thereafter.

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