
Preparing a Reading/Researching Schedule To Improve Your Dissertation Writing Approach

Preparing a Reading/Researching Schedule To Improve Your Dissertation Writing Approach

Reading As A Part Of Research

Before getting started  with your academic research, it is important to do thorough research in order to develop and enhance your knowledge about the particular topic in an on-going and continuous process. Reading, as a significant part of research, widens the perspective and dusts-off the already existing and knowing parts of a research. However, reading without a schedule or properly articulated method can lead to a whole lot of information which one doesn’t know how to apprehend. This is where preparing a schedule and understanding the pointers of reading as a part of research can help you in putting the right step ahead.

Schedule To Improve the Academic Writing Systematically

Considering the many benefits of reading and researching before actually starting with your actual academic writing, below are some of the points which can help you in sorting out your findings and successfully put it in your dissertation writing.

Reading With Others

As much as reading is a thing which is best done alone, the experts and scholars suggest that it is good to read or research in pairs or groups. The interactive reading lets you see things which are too minute for one pair of eyes to come into notice. While preparing your dissertation, detailing becomes one of the major elements. That is why, try to do group sessions for interactive reading in order to come up with better results.

Taking Down Notes

Reading renders no such benefits if it gets all tangled somewhere in your mind. It is important to jot the findings down to give your dissertation writing a solid support and base for setting up your argument and topic of discussion. An interactive note taking allows you to write down your ideas and add the ideas of your reading companions. This way you can understand how information is conveyed and conceived by different audiences.

Finding Citable Notes 

Now comes another really important part; that is, to write down the citations from the relevant sources. Reading and researching help you go through a handful of content, when you only need to write a dissertation the size of a fingernail. Academic writing needs to be proven by the use of citations and before you forget the name of the paper, article or book, it is better to note down the things which can be used as citations for your dissertation research in order to locate the information later on.

Setting A Focus

Having a reading and researching schedule also helps in preparing a focus statement. Focus statement is something that keeps your mind fixated in a singular direction and you set the idea of your dissertation. With all the reading, you can set the topic for your research, decide the methodology and explain the purpose of your study and research on that particular topic. 

Drawing A Brief Outline

Reading enables you to come across other notable works and research as well. After closely going through those studies, you can get the idea of what all needs to be included in a topic to make it well answered in all the possible ways. Drawing a brief outline of what to include and in which order they need to be put, clarifies the further procedure of dissertation writing.

Adding Points And References With The Outline

Once the brief outline of inclusions and exclusions have been prepared, you can use the references you found through reading and researching into the frame of academic writing. This makes it easier for you to remember how you planned to write and can talk about it in detail if the need arises. It also helps in deciding the flow of the content and how long or short one section should be to keep the information included in just the right amount; neither too less nor too much.

Writing Regularly To Keep It Fluent

Other than reading and researching, keeping a regular writing schedule also comes in handy when the time of developing a dissertation arrives. The regular writing schedule provides you the space of making mistakes and improving alongside before actually starting the dissertation writing process. It provides a fluency in writing and putting out your opinions in writing clearly. 

Preparing To Write Dissertation

The last step is moving on to the final phase. After the reading and researching have gained you enough references and knowledge to begin with, you can actually start with writing your dissertation. Just go through the process as you planned, make sure to keep the outline you prepared as it will guide you throughout the writing session which can get tricky at times. Meanwhile, you can also seek the opinions of your mentor or dissertation adviser to provide you with experienced insight so that you can make modifications in your content.

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